University of Virginia Library



Blithe birds sing out from branches green
Of clustered maples tall,
O'er rocky banks whose mosses sheen
Show sunward trickles fall.
Here, closed in grasses, fringed with flowers,
From shadow, glistening
In stealthy rays, through sunny hours
Flows forth the Harvest Spring.
On upland slopes the sultry grain
Waves high in noontide warm,
Where sunlit sickles gleam again
From many a sunburnt arm.


Thence oft, when strength ebbs faint in stir
Through sweating brow and breast,
Comes hither each hot harvester
To quench his thirst and rest.
Renewed, as if with breath of prime,
Soon back to toil they go:
Hark, how the striking sickles chime!—
See the gold shocks a-row!