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Sir, Ask you this? Are you a Sojourner
Within New-Englands bounds & know not why?
I've lost great COLLINS, man! O that, O there,
From this Tears-Fountain

Hinc illa lacrymæ. Hence these tears.

is my misery.

Immortal COLLINS! what a Charm is in
So dear a Name? 'Tis Honey mixt with gall
To think, I had him, but I miss him; Seen
He was, sad word!

fuimus Troes. We were Trojans.

but so no more be shall.

My love is Talkative: tis fit that I
Thus vent my smother'd Fire. The Rabbins say
That when good old Methusela did dye,
His Wife nine husbands lost in him that day.
Like Looser I will speak: The Lamentation
Over Jerus'lems Woe doth suit me well,
A Widow how is she become!

Lam. 1.1.


Seems now to be my only Principle.
Once did I prise, I'l now praise what I had.
The box of his Fames Oyntment

Eccles. 7.1.

now shall send

Abroad its Odours. Alexander

from whose corpse 'tis said there went a smell surprizingly fragrant.


Had not the scent which doth from him ascend.
Some Elogyes compose to try their Wits;
The Gout,

praised by Pichennerus.

the Feavour,

praised by Huttenus.

yea & Injustice,

praised by Glaucus.


praised by Erasmus.

and Poverty

praised by Pierius, all in set poems, or orations.

have in the Fits

Of Ranting Writers had a comeliness.
My Theme, my Humour is not such an one:
Who to prove Cicero not eloquent,
Pen'd Books,

as once a humoursome person did.

who truth & worth for guards disown

Such only count Collins not excellent.


Bright COLLINS, Star of the first Magnitude,
Extol him how could I! I sha'n't be chid
If as much time on him my gazes shou'd
Spend, as that Greek

Socrates, who spent 15 year in framing of one Panegyric, one oration.

in's Panegyric did.

O that Apelles were my servant now
To limn this Hero, but his utmost All
Would blush, and draw a vail upon the Brow

as that painter did upon his Minerva's.

Below whose Majesty his skill would fall.
I would that you, my Friend, each drop of Ink
Could fill with Elogyes no fewer then
The little eels

of which I can with my Microscope see incredible hundreds playing about in one drop of water.

that may swim in't: I think

They all should celebrate this Flow'r of men.
I would too that each syllable all round
This Globe with perfum'd Air might fly about;
Or your Stentorophonic Tube

which speaking-Trumpet may be heard a vast way off.

might found

The praise of admirable Collins out.
Death, thou All-biting

all to ye Acrost. of Mors Mordens Omnia Restro Suo. Death devouring everything.

, a blow

Of thine hath laid within the ground a plant
Surpassing Cedars. I did hardly know
A spice whose quantity on it was scant.
Good Nature and good Education were
In him conjoyn'd to such an high degree,
As gain'd the Title of that

Tit. Vesp. who was termed, Deliciæ humanis generis. Titus Vespasianus (A.D.39?–81), Roman emperor and general who was termed delight of the human race.


In this rare soul Mankinds delight we see.
Facetious Snow-balls from his candid breast
With early Magic hence would captivate
His near, Familiars, so that he was blest
Who could have leave to be his Intimate.
Hence from his Cradle clothes his neat discretion,
Mounted upon bridled Urbanity,
Before a most obliging Disposition,
Triumphant rode in ev'ry Company.
But Oh the fruits of Heav'nly Graces dew
Upon so rich a soyl! Let Peter bid
His Brethren add one graces pearl unto

v. the glorious catalogue 2 Pet. 1.5,7.

rest; The whole heap was in Collins hid.


You'd scarce believe the FAITH residing in
This Child of Abraham, the strong Impression
On his heart of Realities unseen,

2. Cor. 4.18.

Of Gospel glories, of things past expression:
How dearest to him his Redeemer; how
With brave Ignatius

whose saying often was, Amor meus est crucifixus. My love has been crucified.

he could warble out

O Christ my Love; how we might e'en allow
A JESUS grav'd

which is grosly and fabulously reported of another.

within his breast no doubt.

His VERTUE took this sister by the hand;
And with her train accompanyed thus,
In vert'ous flights he went—how much beyond
An Aristides;

two glories of the heathen, the one for Justice, the other for Fidelity.

or a Regulus!

For KNOWLEDGE, tho in him poor Harvard lost
One of her tallest sons, one of the best
Souldiers in her Minerva's Camp, my boast
Of higher Wisdom in him i'n't the least.
My Moses, he in Egypts Learning verst

Act. 7.22.

Had more then that; Accomplishments Divine
In exercise of which, while he converst
With Isr'els Jah, to us his face did shine.

Exod. 34.35.

Yare at his GRAMMAR, kenning how and when
To speak: his tongue a

Prov. 15.4.

tree of life, no (dross

Proceeding from this Chrysostom)

golden mouth.

the penn

Of Ready writers like, not barbarous.
How lofty in his RHET'RIC, when with cryes
To the Omnipotent reduc'd to say

as in Exod. 32.10. feriendi licentiam petit a Mose qui fecit Mosen. He who made Moses sought liberty of punishing from Moses.

Let me alone, thereby he scal'd the Skyes,
And with the old

preces et lacrymæ sunt Arma Ecclesiæ. Prayers and tears are the arms of the Church.

Artill'ry got the day.

In the best LOGIC, Oh how Rational!
How able to spy Canaan through! how ready
To baffle a Temptation! and withal
Full of his Oracles sound, solid, steady!
How right was his ARITHMETIC that knew
Wisely to measure his own

Psa. 90.12.

dayes! How right

Was his GEOMETRY, that found the true
Bulk of the earth! a point

and an invisible point no doubt would it be to an humane eye in the starry Heaven, tho it probably contains above Ten Thousand Millions of cubic German leagues.

not worth the sight.


In his ASTRONOMY how ripe his eye
Reaching to things beyond the stars! Alwayes
Exact in this no-vain

as some other Philosophy is call'd in Col. 2.8.


That in all things he found his Makers

presentem docuit quælibet herba Deum. Any blade of grass shows that God is present.


Master of all the Arts that shew us what
Tis from each Bad unto each Good to goe;
To all his Knowledge last subjoyning that,

Socrates his Hoc tantum scio, me nihil scire. This only I know, that I know nothing.

All that I know is, that I nothing know.
For TEMPERANCE, he liv'd upon it, hee
Like Hooper spar'd much in his diet, more
In 's speech, but most in Time; the hateful Three

the Pleasures, and Profits & Honours of the world, become the 3 Belzebubs of it, according to the Distich

Ambitiosus honos et opes et fæda voluptas,
Hæc tria pro trino Numine mundus habet.
Ambitious honor and riches and coarse desire,
These three the earth holds for the three divinities.

o' the' world mean while he car'd not for.

To Meat a

Dan. 1. 12.

Daniel; and a Rechabite

Jer. 35.6.

To Drink; like a John Baptist

Mat. 3.4.

in his Rayment;

His sleep, like David,

Psa. 119.62.

robbing in the Night;

Still putting Nature off with scanty payment.
Abstemious in all things at such a rate,
Some (like Eliza

K. Edw. VI. us'd to call the Princess Elizabeth, his Sister Temperance.

in her Brothers eyes,

Him Brother Temp'rance could denominate.
And Justice caus'd what e'er lookt otherwise.
For PATIENCE whole beds and loads of it
In his soul flourisht. What Affliction meant
He felt as much as most do talk, and yet
Groans might from him, but Grumbles

It was the sentence of a great Saint under great pain, I groan but do not grumble.

ne're be sent.

And under Provocation, 'twas a care
By him maintaind to smile Affronts away.
Not fireing when meer Cock-boats landed are,
Seldom decoy'd from his mild Yea, or Nay.
No Brother of Achilles;

whom Homer so often represents in fumes.

like unto

The Upper Regions free from Tempests; full
Of the doves temper: Able for to go
Over an Alphabet,

as was wont to do the Renowned Roman Emperour.

tho Anger pull.

His GODLINESS steer'd

allusion to Sola fit humanæ pietas cynosura carinæ. Piety alone becomes the constellation of the human ship.

all his motions still:

God had his thrice-hot

Amo te. Domine, plusquam meos, plusquam mea, plusquam me. Bern. I love you Lord, more than my family, more than my possessions, more than myself.

, his life, his Whole:

Gods Honour was his End, and in the Will
Of God he moulded

all. to Rom. 6.17. gr.

his renewed soul.


His sev'rall Turns on a Religious threed
He sought to string: fixing that Motto on
What signal he in both his Callings did,
With much devotion, Lord

as he, Propter te, Domine, propter te. Because of you, Lord, because of you.

for thee alone.

How James-like were his

of whom Ecclesiastical History relates, that his hardned knees wore the Badges of his hard prayers.

Pray'rs, how did the word

Of Life, his heart Christs

as Jerome remarkt of his friend Nepotian.

Library affect!

What God-ward flames did his pure

Anima justi Cælum est. The soul of justice is the sky.

mind afford

Of any Ord'nance dreading a Neglect!
BROTHERLY-KINDNESS did procure the Law
Of Kindness in his

prov. 31.26.

lips, a Denison

Of Philædelphia

which name signifies brotherly love. Heb. 13.1. gr.

in him we saw;

Heir to the soul of the Apostle

of whom tis said that when through age he could do no more, he would give that short Lesson for a long Sermon to his congregation, my Children, love one another.


A Zwinglian entire that ever said

a savory speech recorded of the famous Zwinglius.

Let me see Christ in anyone, I shall
Him with both Armes embrace. Whatever made
Distinctions, this with him removed all.
And CHARITY in him warm Beams extended
To all the Race of Man; Philanthropy
Him like a shaddow every where attended;
COLLINS made up of Love, we us'd to cry.
An Injury seldom resenting more
Than Cranmer or the Martyrologer

Holy Mr. Fox.

Who urn'd his Ashes, of whom tis notour,
Of good, for ill, Turns from them sure you were.
In fine, As the


Philosopher did give

His friend advice, suppose a Cato's eye
On you, and so be wise; when I would live
Uprightly, I'd imagine COLLINS by.
Thus was he for a Christian, and thus he
With Conversation lightned, every Deed
Of his in print a Sermon yeeldeth mee:

Ille pius pastor, quo non prestantior unus, Qui faciendo docet, quæ facienda docet. That pious pastor, whom no one is more distinguished than, who learned by doing, learns what must be done.

But now what as a Minister you'l heed.
Methinks I see how fraught the Pulpit was
Of Grace, of Gravity, of Wisdom, when
With most harmonious notes a Barnabas
He now was, and a Boanerges then:


How deep his Sermons were, where Elephants
Might take content, and yet withal how plain,
Suited unto the leather Dublet's Wants.
All in a near unimitable Strain:
What undasht

all. to 2. Cor. 2.17. gr.

wine he gave me: what a Zeal

For me consum'd him: how material
He was in Dispensations aim'd to heal
Distempers in me, yet how Spiritual:
He like an Ox was alwaies labouring
To feed me, but he like an Eagle

all. to those 2 creatures in Rev. 4.7. whereof by the former some will have the Pastor, & by the latter the Teacher of a Church to be meant.


Did soar to Pisgah's Top, from thence to bring
Celestial Visions pore-blind us unto.
One is a Doctor most

so Alexander Hales.


Another most

so Bradwardine.

Profound, a Third is counted

A Subtil

so Scotus.

one; (Scholastic Records tell)

A Fourth

so Aquinas.

Angelical by none surmounted:

COLLINS was all of this. The noble

thus distinguished in an Epigram of Beza's.


Geneva Crowns, enlightening Calvin, and
The thundring Farel join' auspiciouslie
With shouring Viret, here in one did stand.
For Memory almost a Seneca,

whose tenacious Memory is to all Ages memorable.

For Judgement and Fancy inferior
To few: in Learning rich, and ev'ry way
He was a furnisht Gospel-Orator.
How many

all. to Act 16.14.

Lydian-hearts reputed him

A Claviger,

an excellent Divine, the English of whose Name seems to be Key-carrier.

by him unlocked? To us

For Light giv'n to our House how much Esteem
He had as an

another, whose Name in likelyhood was House-Lamp.


To save poor me and mine, Oh how severe

observing the Motto of the Emperour Severus, which was LABOREMUS. Observing the motto of Roman emperor L. Septimus Severus (A.D. 193–211) which was let us work hard.

His Labours were! how lasting his Renown
Must to my Offspring be, Once (saying) were
Doves eyes within the Locks of

all. to Cant. 4.1. where by those expressions some understand Christian Teachers surrounded with their believing Hearers.


My Neighbourhood shar'd with me too; he gave
Some Spirit unto them: and then his

One of his last Services was that he assisted in a Day of Prayer at New-Haven, immediately on which he sickned.


He chose: So on the Day

He died on a Sabbath Day about the beginning of the Morning Exercise.

we us'd to have

Heaven from him, from us he flew to Heaven.


The Age of Perkins

about 44.

just attaind, he thought

It time to follow him. But Why so fast?
The cause you know that of such things is brought
Belong'd to him, he only grew too fast.

Immodicis brevis est ætas et rara senectus. For the unrestrained a lifetime is brief and old age rare.

More would I say but Heart-corroding Anguish
Layes that check on me, you have lost him now.
Broken with thy big Loss dear Friend, I languish.
Hence would my Tears more than my River flow.
Now in Micaiahs Trance

1. King. 22.17.

I seem to see

For Food on mountains, wandring Shepherdless,
And Shiftless rambling, what belongs to me.
Wast Park of mine that now no Keeper has!
Lord, is my Night come shall Impenitent
Transgressours now continue so? Shall it
Upon my Meeting-House, while men repent,
This and that man born here

allusion to Psal. 87.5.

no more be writ?

Shall a forsaken now Society
Without its Head, its Heart, its Eyes remain?
And like Isaiah's woful Vineyard ly

all. to Isai. 5.

With with'ring Grapes abandon'd by the Rain?
O Ghastly Omens! if Paræus dy
Let Heidleberge look to't. If Austin go
Let Hippo tremble. If Elisha fly

2. King. 15.20. 'Tis one of the Jewish Oracles, Quando Luminaira patiuntur Eclipsin, malum est signum mundo. When the windows suffer an eclipse, it is an evil sign for the world.

After his Master, next year brings a wo.
I fear of both sorts now

Some have observed, that the Death of a faithful Minister in a place where he hath done God much service, is oft attended with a great Mortality among other persons in that place. I. Collins. Elijahs Lamentation, p. 18.


Of Famines too I fear the

See Amos 8.11.

worst, I fear

The Gallop of no less Calamities
Then can be wrap'd in a pale Comets Hair.
Amidst these hideous Frights perplext, I mourn
With Incohærent Throbs you see. Now tell me
Whether it be not just that thus forlorn
I here bewail this that has late befel me.
SHE said; Her heavy words were hardly out
When, as one planet-struck, a doleful shout
Of the surviving COLLINSes detaind
Me from Replies to what had been complain'd.


To fill the Stage there seem'd to throng a croud
Of his Relations to us. First aloud
His Aged Parents with drench'd Hankerchiefs
Saw and had cause thus to proclaim their Griefs:
A Son, our Staff and

A Bird fam'd for its regard to its Dam.

Stork; (said they) A Son,

Our Benjamin, Alas, must he be gone
To his Long-Home before us? Heaven more
May now be Heaven to us than before.