University of Virginia Library

What Must Happen

This institution is struggling
to rid itself of the last vestiges
of its segregated history. Sadly,
the sequence of events
described above evidence to
black people that social
discrimination and oppression
still exist at the University of

The arrest of Dr. Harris and
the March 28th rearrest of Ron
Colbert stand as examples of
unconscionable and racially
motivated acts that the
University as a whole must
heartily condemn. It is
especially important that those
charged with institutional
responsibility and leadership
act decisively and swiftly, so as
to patently express that this
institution cannot tolerate acts
of social injustice.

Any attempt to do
otherwise can only be
construed as a total lack of
moral courage and a egregious
violation of the public trust
with which we are charged.
These incidents cannot be