University of Virginia Library


A.E.D. Meeting Wed.—canceled
A.E.D. will provide counseling for
Pre—Meds-Tues.—Thurs. 3rd floor

ACM will present Dr. Cape speaking
on operating systems on Wednesday
at 8 P.M. in Thornton Hall A 126.

Outing Club 7:30 p.m. Informal
Lounge N.H. Movies will be shown

If you have been ripped-off by the
system and were unable to obtain a
"Ticket" for the Maryland game, be
at U-Hall by 8:00 and join the rest
of us.

Lawn and Chowder Marching
Society picture for Corks and Curls
Wednesday 4:00 at Homer's Statue.

Draft Changes. Discussion of new
rules and alternatives by C.R. and
C.D.C.G. Questions answered. Wed.
Rm 4A Newcomb Hall 7:30.