University of Virginia Library

Secret Report

The Pentagon Papers have
shown the CIA's part in the
Diem coup. Besides the
programs in Laos mentioned in
the secret report the Agency's
role in the heroin traffic there
is becoming more and more


In the October 11 copy of
US News and World Report,
hardly what anybody would
call an organ of the left, there
was an interview with a former
CIA official-Victor Marchetti.
The interview which took place
at least a month before Nixon's
announcement of the
reorganization of the
intelligence network, expressed
Marchetti's fears that
CIA-sponsored coups and
covert activities are increasing.
His solution? - more
congressional control-letting
the congress look over its

Marchetti's solution seems
like putting a band aid on a
malignant tumor since as he
says: "There are people in the
CIA who-if they aren't right
now actually already running
domestic operations against
student groups, black
movements and the like-are
certainly considering it.

"You have the danger of
intelligence turning against the
nation itself, going against 'the
enemy within.'

"I know this was being
discussed in the halls of the
CIA, and that there were a lot
of people who felt this should
be done."

The CIA is near the top of a
huge network of intelligence
agencies working both within
and without the United States.
The Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA) keeps its eye on
"troublemakers" in the
military for example.
Underneath the DIA is the
Army intelligence which, it
was revealed last year, has
computers full of names of
people not at all connected to
the military but involved in
demonstrations and peace
groups. Then of course there is
the FBI of television saga and
the Treasury Department with
its endless supply of narcs who
often work in conjunction with
local police.