University of Virginia Library


The public, CRTL and members of
the Society are cordially invited to
discuss "Women's right to abort
supersedes the states power to
preserve life", Jefferson Hall, 3:30

All interested students—Discussion
on "How to Buy Insurance" at
7:30 p.m. Room 202, Rouse Hall.
Lecture, Dr. Rhodes "Educating
Emotionally Disturbed Children."
Nov. 18, 71, 7:30 p.m. Newcomb
Hall, South Meeting Rm.

Dr. Joseph Fletcher will discuss
"Situation Ethics in Education"
Thurs. 1:00 p.m. 4A Newcomb

SCUBA Club meeting—Thurs. Nov.
18, Newcomb Hall 4B at 7:30 p.m.
Lecture and slides—"Diving in

Sailing- Citadel racing- Thursday
7:00—4B. Newcomb: class
checkout 12:00 Saturday at Mem.

Students for a free society (U. Va.
Y.A.F.) will meet November 17,
8:30 P.M. Newcomb 4A.

University Union Thursday Nov 18
film: Grand Prix 8:00 p.m. only.
Wilson Hall auditorium. 75 cents.
Bridge for beginners. Free lessons
start Thursday. 8 p.m., 340's
Fitzhugh. Everyone welcome. Info.

Cave Club meeting, room 4A, N.H.,
7:30 PM, Program, Caves of South
Dakota for Nov. 17 and Nov. 18.