University of Virginia Library

Vapid Plot

When the rats are off the
screen, "Willard" manages a few
winning moments. Bruce Davison,
in the title role, is pleasant and
sympathetic when the part allows
him to be. The kinfolk and the
boss (Ernest Borgnine) are
Dickensian in their grotesque
gusto and menace. Willard's
birthday party bears some
resemblance to Pip's unforgettable
Christmas dinner, Uncle
Pumblechook presiding, in
Great Expectations.

But a few nice touches in
characterization don't compensate
for a vapid and offensive plot.
"Willard's producers have
proclaimed their own dullness in
bragging their movie is "without a
message." True enough, though;
and it offers nothing instead
except armloads of bad taste.

(Now at the Paramount)