University of Virginia Library

No Endorsement

Dear Sir.

The University Union must
correct the implication given in the
October 7th issue of The Cavalier
that we, by sponsoring a
speech by John Froines, are
supporting the anti-war activities of
the Peoples' Coalition for Peace and

The University Union is not and
cannot be supportive of any
political persuasion regardless of
personal beliefs. We do offer a
lecture program that reflects any
and all types of people. Our criteria
for speaker selection are the
speaker's availability, cost, and
relative appeal to students.

John Froines was available for a
lecture. His cost was traveling
expenses from Williamsburg. His
appeal is general. Therefore, we
engaged his services.

The Union is free to sponsor
controversial speakers. However,
this freedom is jeopardized by
biased, misleading publicity which
associates the Union with political
or religious organizations and

We hope that future stories on
controversial Union speakers will
reflect this fact.

Allen C. Freeman
University Union Tri-chairman