University of Virginia Library

Little Accomplished

For all the grand plans to stop
the government since it wouldn't
stop the war, the demonstrations
this week have done little to do
either one. It has had something of
a different affect. Many of the
anti-war leaders in Congress
attacked the demonstrations with
speeches from the floors of both
Houses. On Monday, most
government workers had to get up a
half hour early to get to work. Not
much in the way of stopping a
government. It was more of a pain
than a crippling action.

The returning of medals and the
overall demonstrations by the
veterans drew much public support.
It was only one day in seventeen of
the official demonstrations. The
little good that it did was far
outweighed by the negative aspects.
There were 12,000 arrests, but they
were processed through the court
system and many will have to
appear in court and a good portion
may have to serve some time in jail.