University of Virginia Library

"Me Too Liberal"

However, not all Mr. Weir says
in his column is distorted. "A major
fallacy in the JP is their lack of
diversity in political
opinions. There are few moderates
and no liberals in the party." I

Mr. Weir also charges, and in my
opinion attacks correctly, that "in
an attempt to lose their
conservative image, the JP has come
out with their 'Me too liberal'

But this "Me too liberal"
attitude has characterized not only
their posters for the past elections,
but their platforms as well. The
VPP, since its conception, has run
on a platform of student
involvement, minority recruitment,
a funded transition program,
academic reform, and other
programs that at one time were
liberal. The VPP has continued in
these areas. The JP, on the other
hand, often has waited until the
VPP platform has appeared and
virtually copied it.

And today the programs and
ideas that are aired in political
campaigns, for all practical
purposes, are the same for both
parties. This leads people to
discount both parties as out of the
same mold. But there are