University of Virginia Library

Basic Questions

The directness of resistance
activities has led many citizens to
ask the basic questions about
conscription; "Can a free society
draft an Army?" They've
answered no; from Barry Gold water
to George McGovern to the
President's own "Blue-ribbon"
Gates commission. Unfortunately
they continue to underestimate the
desperation of the military and its
capacity to transfer this desperation
to the Executive branch.
Conscription will continue after the
30th of June.

Most people are unaware that
Curtis Tarr is also Colonel Curtis
Tarr formerly of Undersecretary of
Defense Roger Kelly's office. Or
that Selective Service has
traditionally attempted to control
more than the numbers of men
being inducted (read the classic
government blueprint on civilian
control "Channeling"). Or that
"National interest", the prime
factor in determining civilian
alternative service, is defined by the
Joint Chiefs of Staff.