University of Virginia Library

Pat Whitlow

I do feel that there is a mystical secrecy
surrounding Honor Committee decisions at the
present time, and I believe that this secrecy has
tended to alienate the committee from the
student body. Of course the rights of the
accused must be kept foremost in mind, but
several things can be done to make the
operations of the committee more public. More
extensive coverage of the facts surrounding a
conviction could be published in the CD if care
was taken to insure the anonymity of the
dismissed student and it was made clear that
these convictions would not constitute a
precedent but that each subsequent case would
be tried on its own merit without reference to a
previous case. The Honor Committee could
publish briefs periodically trying to clear up
"gray areas," and giving the activities and
general direction of the committee. A mock
trial at the end of orientation could familiarize
the students with the procedural aspects of the
committee and would in my opinion establish a
great deal of respect for the committee as well
as clearing up some questions about the system