University of Virginia Library

Rugby Club Efforts

GUTS then proceeded to
localize their efforts. The Richard
Bridges Agency of Atlanta was
selected to handle the southern
region of the country. It was to this
agency that the Virginia Rugby
Club directed their efforts. "Bridges
is a reputable firm," said Mr.
Waldron, "as can be attested to
their handling the Beatles' tour of
the southern states several years
ago. Also, the very popular James
Taylor currently does a lot of work
for them."

Sunday evening Max Johnson, a
promoter for the Bridges outfit and
also the handler of the ever-popular
pianist Liberace, met with Mr.
Waldron and Jim Bledsoe, another
representative for the Rugby Club.
A third key figure for Virginia,
Tom Furniss, was unable to attend
the meeting at the Downtowner
Motor Inn. At that time
percentages, seating, tickets,
equipment and other necessary
details were discussed before any
contracts could be drawn up. A
definite factor for the ruggers was
their procurement of University

"We were surprised to learn,"
said Mr. Waldron," that Bridges was
only receiving 20 percent of the
35% GUTS figure. Further, the
Club found it was splitting the
Bridges percent for a mere 3.5
percent of the actual monies