University of Virginia Library

New University

And soon, a new university
developed. And it was similar to
THE University of many many
years ago. The new student was not
too intelligent and the quality of
the education at the school
declined. And the new students did
not do critical thinking for they
were not too intelligent and new
traditions arose at THE University.
Students wore a uniform of
dungarees and workshirts not
because they wanted to but because
they wanted to follow the new
styles. And the new students began
traditions of great bonfires and
parades and beauty queens at THE
University. And they all would
protest to change the society
without thinking about how they
wanted to change it And the new
students demanded professional
athletes instead of athlete-scholars
and they got that too.

Soon, the intelligent students
and faculty became unhappy with
THE University for they realized
that it would be impossible to
obtain a very good education there
with the new type of student. So
they all began to leave and go
elsewhere. And new teachers came
to teach at THE University who
were not as good as the old teachers
and the unthinking students
accepted everything the new
teachers said because they could
not think critically.