University of Virginia Library

Porpoises: Loose Blips
Could Sink Ships

NEWS) - Navy spokesman have
refused to comment on its use of
porpoises in Indochina for
underwater work - despite the fact
that those sea animals could be
security risks.

A Defense spokesman said he
could not give any details on news
reports that three porpoises were
trained in this country, and then
secretly shipped to Vietnam to aid
Navy frogmen in surveillance
activities. "It's classified - that's all
we can say," the Pentagon
spokesman said.

He was then asked about the
possibility that the porpoises might
constitute a security risk; extensive
tests by scientists on the sea
mammals indicate that not only is the
porpoise one of the smartest
animals on the planet, but the
creatures can actually communicate
by talking to one another. Several
U.S. researchers are attempting to
decipher their language in efforts to
communicate directly with them.

"What are the chances that one
of your porpoises might talk and
leak some vital security information
on his own?" the Defense official
was asked.

"I won't comment on that
either," he replied, coolly.