University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

I can certainly agree with your
editorial opinion to the extent that
"rallies" and "protest demonstrations"
usually result in a lot of talk
and very little action. However, I
would like to stress the fact that
Student Council never billed the
Thursday meeting as a "protest" or
a "rally"-it was the Cavalier
Daily's usual "interpretative"
reporting which did so. We did call
for a meeting, but the reason for
such a meeting was explained by
Council member Ken Lewis:
Council, for once, had an opportunity
to open itself to more student
participation and should meet
with other students to plan the
Friday events.

I am very disappointed that you
took it upon yourselves to criticize
Student Council when for once it
was leading, rather than following.
It is crucial that students become
aware of the current civil liberties
crisis and join together to seek

Finally, the meetings on Thursday
and Friday, and the petition
calling for a Federal Grand Jury
investigation of the Kent State
indictments arising out of the
Spring incidents, were the result of
a request by the student and
faculty senates at Kent State, and
solidarity is an important aspect of
the student movement.

Kevin L. Mannix
Student Body President