University of Virginia Library

Slowing The Action

The authors must have racked
their brains to come up with as
many ways of slowing and stalling
the action for as long as they have.
That the audience is not irrevocably
lost during this interim is a minor
miracle, much of the credit for
which belongs to the well balanced
and spirited cast.

Betty Morgan's portrayal of
"Fred" seems to have been stylized
after Carol Burnett, who originated
the role on Broadway. Nevertheless,
the approach works most of the
time and Miss Morgan is quite
satisfactory. As her intended, Dave
Harper combines juvenility with
sincerity and winds up with a
wonderfully funny and sympathetic
characterization of Dauntless.
Phyllis Goldbladt plays his
domineering mother with the right
authority and Steve Liebman has
some good moments as the hefty