University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

Why must the Government
always come to our rescue? Why
can't we solve our own problems
without going to Big Brother?
Surely the people of this country
can solve the questions of today
without employing the
monumental ineptness of
governmental bureaucracy.

If you don't like a product,
don't buy it. If you don't approve
of the practices of certain
companies, don't buy their
products. If certain leaders of
industry seem to be socially
irresponsible, refrain from
patronizing them. Use the "profit
margin" to your advantage, for the
businessman is quick to recognize a
change in consumer demand.

If there exists a market for a
pollution-free automobile, you can
bet Detroit will try to develop one
as soon as possible. If there is not
such a market, all the governmental
coercion in Detroit is not going to
produce the desire on the part of
the people to purchase a
pollution-free car. Don't make
Washington do your dirty work.

If you can't make the American
people do something themselves
(taking the trouble to boycott the
companies that pollute our
environment), maybe the problem
of pollution is not as serious as you

Tom MacPherson
Commerce 4