University of Virginia Library


IF YOU are having trouble
getting rid of tell-tale dope
smoke, I have just the animal
for you. Two cats have been
trained to enter pillow cases
anytime we light up. Smoke is
blown in the bag and cats
consume all smoke. Great for
safety and the cats love it. Call
C.O. Durham, 5-4151.

BOOK SALE "The Pictorial
University." Regular $8.50, now
only $10.25. University Book

HELP WANTED: to help harvest
grass on the Lawn. Contact Mr.
Buster by April 10, Security Department.

LODGING: for you and your
date, Easters weekend, in the plush
Emmet House. $15 includes everything.
Contact Ralph Rain.

Z 46-2948-222-10478-8940632

LOST — one purple goose —
contact Society of Purple Shadows
— desperate!!