University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

It pains my heart to see all these
hippies and dupes parading around
to try to bring the war to an end.
I'm a loyal American citizen and
have always been so. When my
country told me to fight, I fought!
I didn't ask why. I just went in
there and did my duty. What's the
matter with this war anyway?
Don't they understand those Communists
are killing off all the South
Vietnamese? Why, somebody's got
to put a stop to them! I love my
freedom and I gave up two years of
it to help those poor people in
South Vietnam get theirs. So Jet's
stop this foolishness and get behind
the war machine and keep plugging
away. Any loyal American would
not want to see his country suffer
the disgrace of not winning a war.

Roger Young
Graduate Business 2