University of Virginia Library

An Apology

My last column on PK-German and
the University Union contained several
misleading statements I would like to

Due to a mix-up on the part of the
Student Council Concert Committee, PK
President Jim Backhaus was not invite
to a meeting that many of us thought he
had been asked to attend. Therefore, my
statement that "he did not bother to
attend" is incorrect.

Further, the $20,000 "slush fund"
maintained by both PK-German and the
University Union is not, as some have
construed, a graft fund. It is a fund
maintained to cover losses on concerts
and other events, and is used by
PK-German to put up deposits on groups
(a function that t he Union, as a
University recognized group, does not
have to do).

Also $20,000 is an ideal figure due to
losses on the Strawberry Alarm Clock,
Midwinters, and Carla Thomas, the
combined funds are now considerably
below that level.

My only point in bringing up the
fund to begin with was to point out that
consistently excellent entertainment
could eliminate the need for a loss
coverage fund. I apologize for any
misinterpretations I may have caused.

Further, I apologize for quoting
former PK President Joe Fiorvanti out of

I remain convinced that the operations
of the Dance Societies must be
reformed; one cannot find fault with
well-established organizations without
irritating many of those involved. But I
do apologize for my recent criticisms not
being as responsible as it could have

Charles Ribakoff