University of Virginia Library

"Radical or Liberal?"

"Radical or liberal?,"
(dedicated, incidentally, to Robert
Rosen) is a lengthy and often repetitious
definition of the New Left,
and, as the title suggests, it examines
the contemporary meaning of
the words "liberal" and "radical."
For those not familiar with the
purpose of and ideals behind the
New Left, this article will be
informative and perhaps enlightening.
In itself, however, the article is
burdened with typical and overworked
anti-Establishment propaganda,
the platitude of which keeps
it from even getting off the ground.

The third bill of particulars is
entitled "Blue Meanies in Appalachia
- War Against The Poor."
Following a brief introductory history
of Southern oppression by the
Yanks, the author becomes
involved in a lengthy discussion of
the exploitation of Appalachian coal
miners at the hands of the "...carpetbag
companies and scalawag politicians."

A case history of the "suppression
against anti-poverty workers
and the people of the country" by
the local power structure
(controlled [sic], of course, by the
coal interests) is also included, presumably
to heighten the effect.