University of Virginia Library

CD Mistake

Dear Sir:

The Cavalier Daily has
committed an unfortunate error in
its Wednesday issue. The story,
"Society for Disrupting Society"
was not written by me, but by
David Miller, a graduate student in
Political Philosophy. Would that I
had written it' I merely brought the
article to The Cavalier Daily office
on behalf of Mr. Miller; a mix-up in
names occurred later in the office.

Mr. Miller's story was satirical,
yet recent statements (Biafra,
Cadre, WASP Elite, etc.) in The
Cavalier Daily by SDSers and their
bedfellows have given the story a
ring of authenticity. U.Va.'s
faithful ideologies on the New Left
have once again demonstrated the
movement's capacity for fact and
reason-defying fanaticism,
wild-eyed assertions and gross
distortions of reality.

Mr. Miller is to be congratulated
for a skillful job of revealing the
absurdities of the New Left. If only
they weren't so tragic and ominous,
their rhetoric and antics would be

John Kwapisz
Students for a Free Society