The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, September 25, 1968 | ||
Rapier Cover
For the general information of
those concerned students who have
been coming over to the library to
ask me the significance of the cover
illustration of this month's Rapier
magazine (perhaps they simply
haven't wished to disturb the staff
of Rapier) I have only been able to
come up with the following: I have
before me a copy of UVM for April
1962 (Vol. CXXIV No. 4) and over
the column feature "From the
Observatory" appears a sketch
remarkably similar to the cover of
this month's Rapier, the exception
being the lack of a beard on "the
little feller in front." I conclude
Rapier is simply trying to update
the image of the University by
acknowledging the appearance of
such persons on the Grounds, and I
will leave it up to the individual
students to judge the significance of
the lack of faces on the gents with
the fraternity mugs. Perhaps I
should have called on the staff of
Rapier rather than to make my own
deductions, but I am sure that if I
have missed the point, a letter from
a member of the staff will be
College '68
The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, September 25, 1968 | ||