University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

I would like to take this opportunity
to attempt to reply to
the gentleman opposed to co-education
at the University. The
gentleman first refers to "those
who find the social limitations
of an all male school unbearably
frustrating" and suggests that these
people "should never elect to attend
such a school."

I cannot say that I find the
aforementioned "social limitations"
unbearable, but, after six
years of such schools (though at
lower educational levels), I must
admit I find them unpleasant and
unnecessary. I chose to attend the
University because of its academic
excellence and, yes, its reputation
for certain social liberties
not found in many other schools.

I was, however, disappointed
to find Victorian, or even Puritanical
attitudes still controlling the
home of Mr. Jefferson's' "intellectual
enlightenment." Is this
enlightenment to be limited to facts
and figures with no realistically corresponding
adjustment of attitudes
and philosophic? I am beginning
to believe that this intellectual
stagnation may be the
"error" Mr. Jefferson thought
reason should "combat."

Secondly, the gentleman in question
refers to "those, including
myself, who find day-to-day contact
with the opposite sex inhibiting
to full academic involvement."
I respectfully submit that the
gentleman who finds the presence
of lovely young ladies who are
able to meet the intellectual and
academic requirements for admission
"inhibiting" is himself suffering
from, and creating for
others, massively oppressive and
dangerous inhibitions.

I might also question the willpower
of anyone who finds himself
unable to study or participate
in class work in the presence of a
young lady. Admittedly one might
find this presence unsettling at first,
but if any gentleman could not
adjust to these pleasant additions
gracing the Grounds, and (perhaps
this is what some opponents
fear) providing stimulating new
intellectual competition, then I
must wonder at his level of
maturity-intellectual, social, and

Patrick L. McBride
College 1