University of Virginia Library


1. There are two structural
changes that I believe would be
beneficial. First, popular election,
at large, of the president. Second,
representation proportional to the
number of constituents from each
school by living areas.

2. I favor popular election of
the president for three reasons.
One, the entire student body should
choose the person who will represent
them at conferences and
meetings with University guests.
Two, because he represents the entire
student body he will be more
effective in dealing with the administration.
Three, he would be
more responsive to the desire of
the students.

3. While personally feeling that
co-education would destroy many
of the things which are unique to
the University. I do not believe
the school will be able to resist
the pressure of the State and
Federal governments. I feel the
best alternative is a co-ordinated
college physically connected to the
present Grounds (such as Birdwood).

4. I have attended one meeting.

5. I would like to see a pass-fail
system initiated for the humanities
electives in the Engineering
School. This would enable students
with their heavy workload
of technical subjects to benefit
from the more difficult College
courses without being unduly concerned
with time and grade-point