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2 occurrences of honor committee
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2 occurrences of honor committee
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The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the resignation of Miss Lucy Timmerman, Instructor in Psychology, be and it is hereby
accepted. We wish for her the highest success in her new undertaking.


The following resolution was adopted by the Board:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:

Mrs. Dorothea W. Dauer, Acting Assistant Professor of German and French at Mary Washington
College, at a session salary of $3,800, beginning in September, 1955.

Mrs. Elwyn Lee Means, Instructor in History at Mary Washington College and Resident Counselor,
as of September 1, 1955, at a salary of $3,240.00 per session.

Miss Veronica Maz as Instructor in Sociology and Resident Counselor at Mary Washington College,
as of September 1, 1955, at a salary of $3,240.00 per session.

Mr. William Lewis King, Instructor in Philosophy at Mary Washington College, at a session
salary of $3,240, as of September 1, 1955

Mr. James Lewis Hatfield, Instructor in Mathematics at Mary Washington College at a salary of
$3,240, as of September 1, 1955.

Miss Carmen Lucila Rivera, Instructor in Spanish at Mary Washington College as of September 1,
1955, at a session salary of $3,240.


President Darden, on behalf of Mr. Howard, who was unavoidably absent, led a discussion of the
Budget Requests for the 1956-58 biennium as laid before the Board and recommended for approval
by the President and by the Committee on the College.

On motion of Mr. Mears, duly seconded, the Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Mary Washington College Budget Requests for the 1956-58 Biennium be and they are hereby
adopted as approved by the Committee on the College and laid before the Board.


The Rector reported that the Executive Committee had met during the summer to hear an appeal
by a student who had been dismissed by the previous hit Honor Committee . This unfortunate matter had been
settled without interferring in any way with the principle of student control of the honor system,
and a record of the hearing had been placed in the files of the Board.

The Rector reported that he had received further correspondence from Mr. Fred C. Abbott,
attorney for William Houchins, but he did not feel that the Board needed to give further consideration
to the matter.


The Rector commented on the outstanding work accomplished during the summer by the special
Committee appointed to select an executive head of the College.

Referring to the Resolution of 10 June 1955 proposing a change of title for the administrative
head of the College resident in Fredericksburg, the Rector appointed the following special Committee
to present this Resolution to the General Assembly:

Mr. Gray

Mr. Mears

Mr. Coxe, Chairman

Mr. McWane said that he was not yet ready to present the report of his Committee, but that the
very large number of candidates considered had now been reduced to six persons, it was the plan
of the Committee to hold interviews with each of these persons during the next two days, and that
these interviews ought to enable the members of his Committee to narrow their choice to one man.
Mr. McWane said that he would be ready to present his report at any time thereafter at the
pleasure of the Board.

On motion of Judge Barksdale, duly seconded, the Board thereupon resolved to cancel the
meeting scheduled for November, and to hold a special meeting on Saturday morning, September 24th,
at 10:00 o'clock to receive the report of Mr. McWane's Committee and make a final decision.

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On motion the meeting was then adjourned.

Barron F. Black
Francis L. Berkeley