University of Virginia Library


The Rector initiated a discussion of the request by Mr. Fred C. Abbott, Richmond attorney for
a hearing before the Board of the appeal of his client Mr. William Houchins for reinstatement in
his former job on the buildings and grounds force at the College. During extensive discussion, it
was emphasized that an appeal could not be brought before the Board against the lay-off of a worker
necessitated by a reduction in force for economic reasons, but, on the other hand, that the adduction
of substantial evidence indicating that a dismissal for cause had been misrepresented as a lay-off
would justify an immediate appeal to the administrative head of the College, and subsequently to the
Board. President Darden pointed out that since he had already reviewed the case and denied the
appeal, Mr. Houchins might consider him to be prejudiced in the case.

The Board resolved that the Rector write to Mr. Abbott pointing out the distinction between final
authority by the Administration and by the Board, requiring Mr. Abbott to particularize regarding the
circumstances of Mr. Houchins' dismissal, and advising him that in any case the first appeal must be
to President Darden or to a deputy to be named by him.