University of Virginia Library


Their Cost, Equipments and Uses.—The first work was
begun upon the main building in 1874. The architect of


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this building was Capt. A. M. Lybrock, of Richmond, Virginia.
The front part, with central wing for dining-room and
chapel, was completed by September, 1878. The south wing
was built in 1881, the north wing in 1883, thus completing
the building according to the original design of the architect.
This building cost $140,000. Its equipments cost $60,000.
In it are lodged all the pupils with most of their teachers.
In addition to the lodging rooms there are in this building
the study halls, class rooms, chapel, dining-room and kitchens.

The machine shop building, completed July 1st, 1882, cost
$30,000. It is used for instruction in mechanics. Its equipments
cost $30,000. From it also goes the steam that runs
the laundry, heats some of our buildings, and drives five engines
used for various purposes in different buildings on the
place. It also gives the light (Edison's incandescent electric)
used in the buildings and on the lawns.

The infirmary No. 1, cost $7,000, and is used for lodging
for the employees. It is intended to be used as an infirmary
only in cases of epidemics amongst the pupils. Such a thing
has only occurred once in the history of the school. The
infirmary No. 2, cost $5,000, and is used for the sick boys.
In this building the chaplain and physician have their rooms.
The laundry cost $6,000. Its equipments cost $2,000. In it
is done all the washing and mending for the pupils. The stables
cost $6,000, and are used for quarters for 40 horses and
50 cows. The silos cost $3,000, and are used for ensilage.
The conservatory cost $2,000. Its equipments cost $500.
It is used for instruction in floriculture. The chemical laboratory
cost $2,000. Its equipments cost $2,000. The private
residences for the officers of the school cost $20,000. There
are in addition to the buildings named above several residences
for the use of employees of the school, which are worth about
$4,000. The farm is worth $30,000. Its equipments are
worth $7,000. The buildings are all in good condition and
are worth to-day their original cost. They are heated by
steam. Edison's incandescent light was placed in the buildings
in June, 1883. The cost of this plant was $10,000.


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From the above statement it will be noted that the value of
the entire plant is about $360,000.