University of Virginia Library


Remember the Chicago Democratic Convention of 1968 with
all its chaos and confusion? Well, Chicago seems destined for
another such skirmish of sorts, hopefully not as bloody but quite
possibly as raucous.

August 6-7 are the dates for a special convention of NCAA
delegates to discuss some pretty significant matters which ACC
President and University Vice President for Student Affairs, D.
Alan Williams contends have kept a goodly number of schools "at
odds with each other for some time."

Yet the major topic of concern to be brought before the
convention in the form of a motion is a proposal to divide the
NCAA into three distinct divisions rather than the present two.
As of now, the NCAA is comprised of the University and the
College divisions, the University division comprising those schools
which compete with major institutions in nearly all sports.

The new proposal, on the other hand, calls for three divisions
in which Division I which now claims some 250 members would