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Economics C1: Public Finance: Economics B1 and one other B course
in the School of Economics or School of Commerce, prerequisite.
—First and second
terms: The general principles of public finance, with a detailed investigation
of state and local taxation. Third term: The financial institutions and
methods of federal government. Professor Snavely.

Economics C2: Advanced Money and Banking: Economics B1 and one
other B course in the School of Economics or School of Commerce, prerequisite.

—A course of research in current monetary and banking problems. An intensive
study is made of foreign currency systems, Federal Reserve System, cyclical
fluctuations in business, etc. Topics are assigned for individual investigation and
written papers and problems are required. Professor Kincaid.

Economics C8: Research in Virginia Economic Problems: Economics
B1 and one other course in the School of Economics or School of Commerce,
—A research course in current economic and social problems as they
apply to the commonwealth of Virginia. Hours by appointment. Professor Gee.

Economics D1: History of Economic Theory: Hours to be arranged.
Given in alternate years with Economics D2. Professor Snavely.

Economics D2: Recent Economic Theory, with special attention to
problems in the distribution of wealth. Given in alternate years with Economics
D1. Not given in 1927-28. Professor Snavely.

Economics D3: A Course of Research in Economic Theory: Hours to
be arranged.

Summer Quarter 1926

Economics sC8-1: Research in Virginia Economic Problems. First
Term. Professor Gee.