University of Virginia Library

III. Government.

Government C1: International Relations.Government B1, and one
B course in economics, commercial law, or commercial geography, prerequisite

(but, with the permission of the instructor, this course and Government B1
may be taken together.
—The nature of international law; the scope of
existing international government; the causes of modern wars; the problem
of preserving peace (peace projects of the past, the adequacy of arbitral


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machinery, recent proposals); international economic relations; backward
peoples; the foreign policy of the United States; the problems of
the war and of the peace treaty. Adjunct Professor Williams.

Government C2: Political Parties.—The origin, develoment and organization
of political parties in the American (federal, state and municipal)
and foreign governmental systems, with a consideration of current
party issues and problems. Adjunct Professor Williams. (Omitted in

Government D1: Politics and Jurisprudence.—Various concepts of
the state, of sovereignty, and of political obligation; American political
theories; the nature, sources, and forms of law, and its philosophical and
sociological aspects.—Hours by appointment. Adjunct Professor Williams.

Government D2: Constitutional Aspects of Social and Economic Problems.—The
constitutional limitations on governmental action with respect
to property and industry; labor problems, the regulation of corporations,
interstate commerce, social legislation, the extension of federal
authority, etc.—Hours by appointment. Adjunct Professor Williams.
Omitted in 1920-1921.