University of Virginia Library

Dr. McIlhany's Change of Work.

Rev. Dr. Hugh M. McIlhany, who has
for a number of years been the faithful
and efficient general secretary of the Y.
M. C. A. at the University and the superintendent
of the religious work in college,
has resigned his position to assume the
task of building a church near the University
for the special accommodation of
Episcopal students. A similar plan may
be adopted sooner or later by the leaders
of other denominations. As yet no permanent
successor to Dr. McIlhany has
been announced; but Mr. Herbert M.
Peck, president of the Association, has
been secured to assume the duties of general
secretary pro tempore.

The various portraits, busts, relics, publications,
and valuable collections of appropriate
character recently on exhibit
at the Jamestown exposition, have been
returned to the University, and will soon
be distributed to their respective places
in the library and other buildings.

The annual report of the University
Young Men's Christian Association for
1906-7, recently published, shows the
following summaries as to membership:
Active members, students, 118; active
members, faculty, 13; total, active members,
131; associate members, students,
292; associate members, faculty, 7; total,
associate members, 299; grand total, 430.

The Board of Visitors were in session
at the University on Monday, the 6th