University of Virginia Library


[Some angel tell me where to find]

Some angel tell me where to find
The Friend and Saviour of mankind,
The God who fills immensity,
Yet still conceals Himself from me!
O could I my Redeemer know
I never more would let Him go,
Would never from His presence move,
But lose myself in Him I love.
In vain for Him, my heart's Desire,
Of men or angels I inquire;
The heavenly Object of my care,
He only can Himself declare;
And if He hears a sinner groan,
Lamenting for the God unknown,
And if His answering bowels sound,
He must at last by me be found.
Thou hidden God, unsearchable,
Whose absence I this moment feel,
For whom I every moment grieve,
For whom alone I wish to live;
If with me unperceived Thou art,
Break in on this poor wretched heart,
And give me eyes of faith to see
My Lord, my God, reveal'd in me.