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Truth in Fiction

Or, Morality in Masquerade. A Collection of Two hundred twenty five Select Fables of Aesop, and other Authors. Done into English Verse. By Edmund Arwaker

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FABLE LI. The Fox and Women:
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FABLE LI. The Fox and Women:

Or, More Bold than Welcome.

An Old Eves dropping Fox, a subtle Dog,
That us'd to pry in ev'ry Nook for Prog;
As he, at Mid-night, through a Village pass'd,
Saw Six Fat Gossips round a Table plac'd:
As many Pullets, and as Plump as they,
Garnish'd with Sausages, before them lay.


The tempting Meat made them fall to a-pace,
Nor did their Stomachs let them stay for Grace.
The Dames so sharp were set, that (which was strange)
They did not, for some space, a Word exchange;
But a profound surprizing Silence kept,
As if their Husbands within hearing slept:
(Tho' this was what they cou'd not yet avoid;
Their Mouths were now another way employ'd:)
But when some hearty Bumpers had gone round,
And oil'd their Tongues; they were not Dumb, he found:
They grew as Loud, as they were Mute before,
And Talk'd so fast, no Pies cou'd Chatter more.
Reynard, who envy'd them their Mirth and Fare,
Wou'd fain have made an, Are-ye-at-it there?
And, since he cou'd not be allow'd a Guest,
He lick'd his driv'ling Chops, and spoil'd the Feast.
Good Wives, said he, if I had done like you,
What Noise of Hounds and Horns wou'd me pursue?
Your Dogs, and Husbands (by your Kindness arm'd)
Wou'd all, to follow Reynard, be Alarm'd:
And you your selves wou'd be too apt to Rail,
If I got one poor Pullet by Retail;
Tho' you have gormandiz'd, by Wholsale, more
Than I have filch'd from you this Month before.
To this, a Matron, perter than the rest,
Reply'd, What's that to you, malicious Beast?
If your Impertinence like us had done,
You wou'd have fed on nothing but your own:
Learn to do so, and, what is ours, forbear,
And much good do't you, Gaffer, with your Chear:
We never envy you an honest Meal,
Nor grudge at what you eat, but what you steal.



‘Contented with its own, an honest Mind
‘Repines not at the Joys which others find;
‘Nor thinks it can, without affronting Heav'n,
‘Invade the Properties which that has giv'n.
‘Tho', where no previous Right do's Titles grant,
‘Nature leaves Things to the first Occupant:
‘Yet where, by Civil Pacts, the Right's assign'd,
‘They are no longer common, but confin'd.
‘When so enclos'd, to use them at our Will,
‘Is, as the Users differ, well, or ill:
‘In the Proprietors, 'tis Right, and Just;
‘But in Usurpers, Theft, or Breach of Trust.
‘An Honest Man, whose Conscience Justice sways,
‘Without Reserve, all her Commands obeys:
‘Will no Designs, but what he may, pursue,
‘And gives, or wou'd give ev'ry One his Due.
‘Were all Men such, how Happy shou'd we be!
‘From Rapine safe, from all Injustice free.