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“Hark, lovely phrensy charms my ear,
“Or sounds unearthly do I hear?
“I seem to walk the hallow'd grove,
“Where pleasant winds and waters rove.
“On Vultur, the Apulian steep,
“Once when a child I lay asleep,
“Wearied with play, and there was found
“Far from my home Apulia's bound,
“Where fabled wood-doves, strange to tell,
“With the fresh leaf had veil'd me well.
“And long there liv'd the wondrous tale
“'Mid Bantia's groves, the hilly crest
“Of Acherontia's mountain nest,
“And rich Ferentum's lowly vale.
“That safe from bears and snakes that creep
“My infant limbs unharm'd should sleep,
“With bay and myrtle o'er me pil'd,
“Not without guardian Gods a fearless child.”