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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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ANSWER [To the foregoing Epistle]


That mony a thriftless Poet's poor,
Is what they very well deserve,
'Cause aft their Muse turns common Whore,
And flatters Fools that let them starve.
Ne'er minding Business, they ly,
Indulging Sloth, in Garret-Couches,
And gape like Gorblins to the Sky
With hungry Wames and empty Poutches.
Dear Billies tak Advice for anes,
If ye'd hope Honour by the Muse,
Rather to Masons carry Stanes
Than for your Patrons Block-heads chuse.
For there's in Nature's secret Laws
Of Sympath and Antipathy,
Which is, and will be still the Cause
Why Fools and Wits can ne'er agree.
A wee Thing serves a chearfu' Mind,
That is dispos'd to be contented;
But he nae Happiness can find,
That is with Pride and Sloth tormented.
Still cautious to prevent a Dun,
With Caps and Horns on Bills and Bands;
The Sweets of Life I quietly cull,
And answer Nature's small Demands.


Lucky for me I never sang
Fause Praises to a worthless Wight,
And still took Pleasure in the Thrang
Of them wha in good Sense delight.
To such I owe what gave the Rise
To ought thou in my Verse esteems,
And Phoebe-like in darker Skies
I but reflect their brighter Beams.