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[Throughout my fallen soul I own]

Throughout my fallen soul I own
Such power belongs to Thee alone,
Thou slaughter'd Lamb of God,
Who didst for foulest sinners die,
Us to redeem and sanctify,
Through Thy all-cleansing blood.
That blood Divine, so freely spilt,
To purge the universal guilt,
Can make an end of sin,
Wash all these filthy thoughts away,
A fountain in my nature stay,
And keep me pure within.
My nature, Lord, is foul as hell,
Till Thou Thy spotless love reveal,
Thy purity impart:


Forgive the sins which I confess,
And cleanse from all unrighteousness,
By dwelling in my heart.
Then, when Thou dost possess me whole,
And make my body, spirit, soul
A temple worthy Thee,
Thou wilt Thy sacred house maintain,
Nor shall an earthly thought or vain
One moment lodge in me.