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The Closet of Counsells

conteining The aduice of diuers wyse Philosophers, touchinge sundry morall matters, in Poesies, Preceptes, Prouerbes, and Parrables, translated, and collected out of diuers aucthors, into Englishe Verse: by Edmond Eluiden. Wherunto is anexed a pithy and pleasant discription of the abuses: and vanities of the vvorlde

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Howe to see and perseaue folly in a man.

Howe to see and perseaue folly in a man.

As when a foggy miste doth hide
the fayre and pleasant beames
Of Titans bewty, and obscures
the skies with pitchy streames.



Each forme therin more greater semes

and fuller doth appeare:
Then when such foulnes worne away
the skyes be cleane and cleare.
So likewise vice that setled is
and nosled in the heart:
Is most perceued in ougly wrath
when fury playes his parte.