University of Virginia Library


[Henceforth, please God, forever I forego]

Henceforth, please God, forever I forego
The yoke of men's opinions. I will be
Light-hearted as a bird, and live with God.
I find him in the bottom of my heart,
I hear continually his voice therein.
The little needle always knows the North,
The little bird remembereth his note,
And this wise Seer within me never errs.
I never taught it what it teaches me;
I only follow, when I act aright.
October 9, 1832.


[And when I am entombèd in my place]

And when I am entombèd in my place,
Be it remembered of a single man,
He never, though he dearly loved his race,
For fear of human eyes swerved from his plan.

[Oh what is Heaven but the fellowship]

Oh what is Heaven but the fellowship
Of minds that each can stand against the world
By its own meek and incorruptible will?

[The days pass over me]

The days pass over me
And I am still the same;
The aroma of my life is gone
With the flower with which it came.