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Sec. 2-189.4. Personnel appeals board—Generally.

There is hereby created a personnel appeals board which shall
consist of three persons who are not employees of the city who
shall be appointed by the council. Of those first appointed one
shall be appointed to serve for one year, one for two years, and
one for three years. Thereafter, members shall be appointed for
the full term of three years. Vacancies shall be filled by the
council by appointment for the unexpired portion of the term. The
board shall annually choose one of its members to act as
chairman. Two members of the board shall constitute a
quorum. The members of the board shall serve without
compensation. No member of the board shall serve more than two
consecutive full terms; provided, that members initially
appointed to lesser terms or appointed to fill unexpired terms
may thereafter serve two full terms. (7-1-74, § 1.)