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[Shall foolish, weak, short-sighted man]

Canst thou by searching find out God? &c. —xi. 7.

Shall foolish, weak, short-sighted man
Beyond archangels go,
The great almighty God explain,
Or to perfection know?
His attributes divinely soar
Above the creatures' sight,
And prostrate seraphim adore
The glorious Infinite.
Jehovah's everlasting days
They cannot number'd be,
Incomprehensible the space
Of Thine immensity;
Thy wisdom's depths by reason's line
In vain we strive to sound,
Or stretch our labouring thought to' assign
Omnipotence a bound.
The brightness of Thy glories leaves
Description far below;
Nor man, nor angels' heart conceives
How deep Thy mercies flow:
Thy love is most unsearchable,
And dazzles all above;
They gaze, but cannot count or tell
The treasures of Thy love!