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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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63 Against Pius Quintus, that excommunicated Queene Elizabeth.

63 Against Pius Quintus, that excommunicated Queene Elizabeth.

Are Kings your Foster-Fathers, Queens your nurses,
Oh Roman Church? Then why did Pius Quintus

With Basan bulls (not like one pius intus)
Lay on our sacred Prince vnhallowed curses?
It is not health of soules, but wealth of purses
You seek, by such your hell-denouncing threats,
Oppugning with your chaire, our Princes seats,
Disturbing our sweet peace; and that which worse is
You suck out blood, and bite your Nurses teats.
Learne, learne, to ask your milk, for if you snatch it,
The nurse must send your babes pap with a hatchet.