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Here Dead He lies; who, Living here,
Was Britain's greatest Hope and Fear.
And, by what was on Him bestown,
Had all His Equals over-grown:
His Predecessor's Sins and our,
Made way for Him to Soveraign Power;
By rendring that an Act of Reason
And Justice, which had else been Treason.
No Prince, was ever heretofore
More praised, or dispraised more.
Advantages, few ever won
So great: None lost so great a one.
This World afford no Pattern can
Which better shews what is in Man.
His Vertues, were enough to do,
So much as GOD design'd Him to.
He Failings had: But, when liv'd any
That had not every way as many,
If he (whilst here abode he made)
Such Tempters and Temptations had?
Presume not therefore; but with Fear
Minde, what you know, and see, and hear:
Yea heed, what GOD, and Men have done,
But judge none but your selves alone;
And aim in chief, how to increase
GOD's Glory, and the Publick Peace.