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March 17-23
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March 17-23

Lay reading at Grace Church. Brother Jim reads one of Dr. Hungerford's beautiful sermons; subject, "The Christians resting and waiting on the Lord." Sunday very cold and looks like snow. Hope they will fill up with snow at home for we are among those who got no ice. Monday the 18th did some important work .... Made my will. Feel much more comfortable in mind in organizing my temporal affairs. Oh, that I could feel as well fortified about my eternal inheritance. How unworthy and unfit for this I must ever feel. No worthiness of my own can ever gain it for me. By God's graces alone, can I hope to dwell among the blest ....Julia Lewis is with Lizzie. The snow prevents her getting home Sunday and on Tuesday she is still at Music Hall. I'm reading Hugh Mulen's Impressions of England and am much entertained. Tuesday night Lizzie Dee, Alice and Jimmy Lewis come by for me to spend the night at Castalia as they wish my opinion and help about a Seccession Flag that Lizzie intends raising on some high point at Castalia. I agree to go with them and have a ride behind Jimmy on Fairy. We decide that the Flag should be a facsimile of that of the Southern Confederacy with the additions of a black star for poor old Virginia!!!. It is very humiliating. As some of the demon spirits around us consider it an act of rebellion we fix upon Patrick Henry's famous words for our motto, "If this be treason make the most of it!" It is raised on Saturday evening the 23rd with quite a company of ladies, gentlemen, boys and children and dogs. It was 45 feet high and made quite a show from the public road. Take supper at Uncle Bobs and have a chat with Lydia.