University of Virginia Library



Oh, fondly shall history point to the page
Where the youth of that Prince is recorded;
Whose choice, to the high born and proud of the age,
A noble example afforded.
The son of a monarch, full well hath he earn'd,
The laurels of national story!
From safety's luxurious pathway he turn'd,
And chose that of danger and glory!



On England's best bulwark, her man-of-war's deck,
With England's free banner above him,
The Prince brav'd the terrors of battle and wreck,
And taught her young heroes to love him.
He fought under Rodney, the good and the brave,
Whose name gilds our national story,
And saw the green laurel of victory wave
O'er the chief who had led him to glory!


A sailor is call'd to his forefathers' throne,
His people with rapture receive him;
And well may a Monarch exultingly own
The warm-hearted welcome they give him.
Oh, long may he live, may his prosperous reign
Be enroll'd in our national story;
May William and Adelaide ever retain
True subjects—the guards of their glory!