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The Christian Scholar

By the Author of "The Cathedral" [i.e. Isaac Williams]

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O ship! shall waves bear thee away
Again to sea? oh, why delay?
Thine harbour seize;—for see how torn
Thy side, of tackle shorn!
Thy mast is marr'd by Afric's gale,
Thy sail-yards groan, thy cables fail,
Thy tottering keel can scarcely brave
The too imperious wave.
Thou hast not left one untorn sail:—
How can thy prayers again avail?
Though noblest daughter of the grove,
The Wood of God's dear love .
Will birth and name avail thee now?
Can sailors trust a painted prow?
Take heed lest sport of every wind
Thou leav'st a wreck behind.


Of late my anxious weary care,
Now object of my hope and prayer,
Mayst thou escape the sea that smiles
'Mid fair and shining Isles.

“This Wood in which our weakness is carried is the Cross of the Lord, by which we are delivered from the dangerous tempests of this world.”Aug. Ser. xxv.