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March 10-16
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March 10-16

At Grace church and hear Mr. Boyden....Cousin Fanny Hart told me such news from Missouri. Cousin Laurie Carr is married to a Mr. Vaughan. What will be done next! I've no right to object but I was very sorry to hear of it. Poor human nature cannot stand such tests. Well, what will we hear of after this event. I'm ready for any news from Missouri! I'm at Uncle Bob's Sunday night. Dave leaves for home on Monday. Brother Jim writes to Mr Forest today [with the family information that Louisa compiled.] Wonder if we will ever meet. I'm much interested in a Life of Havelock. Hear from home. Bruno is very ill with distempers. I'm in aggitation about him. Every dog of my acquaintance is either sick or has been with the same disorder. Cousin Howel fears Thomas has died as he is nowhere to be found and when last seen appeared to be suffering much. On Wednesday Miss Vallant, Lizzie Dee and I walk to The Creek to be ready on the spot for a fish the next day but this capricious weather seems determined not to give us an opportunity for by morning it has turned very cold and we have quite a severe storm during Thursday. This weather keeps Miss Vallant from her school and we all stay until Friday evening and have such a happy time. Talk politics, some work, etc. Cousin Sarah entertains us with sketches of the hours that have past. Friday Lizzie Dee stays with me. The young people have their Friday evening gathering at Music Hall and such a ball. The little boys are bashful and Lizzie Dee and I are requested to draw them out and such a frolic as we had. Oh, to think of the days when I too enjoyed such games but it's no use grieving, I've no wish to recall the past. Another letter from home. Bruno is better. How comfortable one of Mammy Eliza's long nice letters always make me feel. Miss Vallant with me Saturday night and Sunday.