University of Virginia Library

“O Thou great Omnipresent! for, even here,
I know Thou art,—yea, in the farthest depths
Of the Death-regions,—and wilt hear the cry
Of my great misery,—though my greater sin
Louder do cry against me, to keep down
The motion of pity;—heaven is lost to me!
Yet will I call upon Thee, O my God;
Pity, oh pity me! my sin forgive!
Let me some hope have, that Thine utter wrath
Will pass; that somewhere in the unending line
Of ages, will the hour come, when my guilt
Shall be expunged: and, though in farthest space
From Thee remote, Thine eye shall look on me,
Not disapproving: for a heavy doom
Soon will these lay upon me; misery
All insupportable, save for thought of Thee;
And memory of bliss; and one faint joy,
That my last feeble act so was performed,
As once Thou hadst approved. Oh! pardon then
Lift from me the great mountain of Thy wrath:
Or mercifully take the life Thou gave!
Let me die now,—and be for aye at rest!”