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[My Father, my God, I long for Thy love]

My Father, my God, I long for Thy love;
O shed it abroad, Send Christ from above;
My heart ever fainting He only can cheer,
And all things are wanting Till Jesus is there.
O when shall my tongue Be fill'd with Thy praise,
While all the day long I publish Thy grace,
Thy honour and glory To sinners forth show,
Till sinners adore Thee, And own Thou art true!
Thy strength and Thy power I now can proclaim,
Preserved every hour Through Jesus's name;
For Thou art still by me, And holdest my hand;
No ill can come nigh me, By faith while I stand.
My God is my guide, Thy mercies abound,
On every side They compass me round;
Thou savest me from sickness, From sin dost retrieve,
And strengthen my weakness, And bid me believe.
Thou holdest my soul In spiritual life,
My foes dost control And quiet their strife;
Thou rulest my passion, My pride and self-will;
To see Thy salvation Thou bidd'st me “Stand still!”
I stand and admire Thine outstretched arm,
I walk through the fire And suffer no harm;
Assaulted by evil, I scorn to submit,
The world and the devil Fall under my feet.


I wrestle not now, But trample on sin,
For with me art Thou, And shalt be within,
While, stronger and stronger In Jesus's power,
I go on to conquer, Till sin is no more.